Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Browser Privacy Wars

TrueFire Guitar Tutoring Website Suffers Magecart-style Credit Card Breach
ahem... go ahead and piss off a group of people with very heavy guitars, who can't count past 4.  

Well, it's not exactly a war. It's not even a friendly competition.
In fact, it's not even a topic.
Here's a study that ranks the privacy of major browsers.

I disagree with some of it - form your own opinion.

Surveillance Company Says It's Deploying 'Coronavirus-Detecting' Cameras in US

U.S. government, tech industry discussing ways to use smartphone location data to combat coronavirus

Pervasive digital surveillance of citizens deployed in COVID-19 fight, with rules that send genie back to bottle

Sense a theme here?


Exploring the Linux /proc filesystem
it's like spelunking without all that being outside and exertion  

How To Disable Unattended Upgrades On Ubuntu

Viewing and configuring password aging on Linux

How Red Hat tackles security
very carefully, so it doesn't get traumatic brain injury  

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