Friday, December 20, 2019

Vivaldi Plays Beethoven

If your browser is having trouble getting in the front door, just tell the door you're not that browser. Vivaldi changed its user agent string so it can get through blocks.

Oops - Honda exposed 26k North American customers' data.
Are you ready? It was a misconfigured Elasticsearch cluster. Misconfigured as in Wide Open. This wasn't a big deal for Honda, because the exact problem occurred in July.

Honda: Yes, we seem to have a bit of a spill in the.. uh.. American market.
Customers: All of our personal info was open to the planet?
Honda: Yes, terribly sorry.
Customers: But you had the same thing happen earlier this year. Didn't you learn anything?
Honda: Yes, yes we did. We learned from our mistake, enough to repeat it again exactly.
[apologies to Peter Cook and Dudley Moore]

If you need a quick, industry-related laugh, and who doesn't, read this little ditty on Faceyspaces, lawmakers, location tracking, and 'certain security functions.' The sheer creativity, legalese, and attempts to appear innocently-stupid are breathtaking.

"Stupid design decisions made by engineers who had no idea how to create a secure system. And this, in a nutshell, is the problem with the Internet-of-Things."
Bruce Schneier speaks like he's in my head.

Wawa, the convenience store chain around the Philly area (not the guitar pedal), said all 850 stores were affected by PoS malware skimmers. It took from March to December to discover it. Notice was given on their webpage, because everybody goes to Wawa's web page.

Linux environment variable tips and tricks

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