Thursday, February 27, 2020

Internet of Shit Strikes Again

New wifi vulnerability only affects over a billion devices. Not to worry.
Unpatched security flaws open connected vacuum to takeover
Internet of Flaws for me, please. A huge frickin slow motion train wreck.

Hackers scanning for vulnerable MS Exchange Servers - patch now
Or, you know, use linux


How to recover a root password in Red Hat based systems

How to clear swap memory
swap it out.

How to create a user that cannot log in
Sysadmins - your troubles are over  

Red Hat enterprise 7 and CentOS 7 receive important kernel security update

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Microsoft wants to do away with Windows 10 local accounts.
Suggestion: do away with Windows 10.

Multiple WordPress plugin vulnerabilities actively being attacked
I feel safe with WordPress because it gets patches out quickly.
I'd rather not patch WordPress every week.

How to install PHP7 on CentOS 7
very carefully

MySQL create user accounts and grant privileges

Firefox now getting its own sandbox
In which you cannot play


Top 48 linux interview questions and answers

  1. Do you use linux?
  2. Ever see a server?
  3. HIRED!

Wait command with examples
Nah -I don't wait well.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Leak in Secure White House Communications

No, seriously... the Defense Information Systems Agency exposed personal info of government employees, including social security numbers.    Feel safe, with this bunch securing us.

Firefox turns on DNS over HTTPS (by default)
With their upcoming VPN, data goes through Cloudflare.
With this, you have a choice of Cloudflare or NextDNS.
Tough choice.

Raccoon malware steals data from nearly 60 apps, including popular browsers.

Mozart Malware uses DNS to communicate with remote attackers.

Credit card skimmer running on 13 sites, despite notification. Includes list.

there is enough crap to worry about with insecure design or no thought to security, 'unsophisticated' users, and now companies that ignore active breach warnings. I wonder what would happen if the credit card companies 'forgot' to renew their access.....

Critical RCE bug in OpenBSD SMTP server threatens linux distros


How to use restricted shell to limit user access

Monday, February 24, 2020

Pit it in the Cloud - What Could Go Wrong?


NRC health ransomware attack prompts patient data concerns.

Emotet still around, renews itself

7 Tips to improve employees' mobile security
take away their phones

How to install Google Chrome on Kali linux
Pt 2: How to install Windows on Kali linux

Microsoft Brings Defender Antivirus for Linux, Coming Soon for Android and iOS    That same great performance - on other platforms!

Privacy concerns raised over new Google Chrome feature
found in file chrome.exe

Win 10 gets temp patch for critical flaw fixed in buggy update
temporary fix for problem in regular update on buggy platform...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Tricking the Tesla

Hackers can trick a Tesla into accelerating by 50 miles per hour
Driverless cars are not ready for prime time - you can do all sorts of things to distract them. Like I said quite a while back.

Microsoft Quadrifecta  

Subdomain hijacking problem

Microsoft Rolls Out New Windows 10 Optional Update Experience
You get the experience that you can choose updates. But you can't.

Windows 10 KB4532693 Update Bug Reportedly Deletes User Files

Microsoft rolls out colorful new Windows 10 icons
Colorful new icons, same shitty performance

MGM Grand Breach Leaked Details of 10.6 Million Guests Last Summer
unauthorized access to cloud server   - but it was only 10.6 mil - why so upset?


Limit The Number Of SSH Logins Per User/Group/System

Surviving a security audit with enterprise Linux

Is Linux Foundation a Microsoft Branch Now?

4 ways to kill unresponsive apps in Debian 10
YES - a hammer will work. NO - hardware is expensive.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

It's the Bucket Lady!

That's Boo-KAY.

Private photos leaked by PhotoSquare's unsecured cloud storage.
By this, of course I mean open buckets.

US Govt Warns Critical Industries After Ransomware Hits Gas Pipeline Facility
Ummm.... yeah.. it makes sense (to me) to secure infrastructure. Maybe I'm alone.

BingWall is —Yes, a Bing Wallpaper App for Ubuntu
As South Park says, Jesus Tapdancing Christ, was the dev drunk?

Firefox 73.0.1 released with fixes for Win, Mac, and linux.
But we're not going to tell you what they are 

ISPs sue Maine - web privacy law violates their free-speech rights
because customers would have to opt-in before the ISPs can share your data


How to create new groups with groupadd command
groupadd Led Zeppelin  

Give your firewall a security boost  
with new Security Meth!  
Is your HOSTS file over 16G too?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Post Valentine's Day Massacre

As the result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, you can now take the NSA's course on python, for beginners. They describe the training materials as lightly redacted. Even training materials contain information you aren't cleared for. State secrets. Espionage aids. Venom with Python - a free course.

I wouldn't download any training materials, if I were you.

8 things users do that make security pros miserable.

  1. breathe
  2. touch computers

The Free Software Foundation sent Microsoft an empty hard drive, demanding the source code to Windows 7. Microsoft responded immediately, saying they were sending the source code down via Santa Claus.

Lenovo, HP, Dell periphals face unpatched firmware bugs

10 "Sweyntooth" Bluetooth bugs found

Microsoft Confirms Windows 10 KB4524244 Issues and Pulls the Update

Windows 10 users affected by new shutdown bug - how to fix
del c:\*.*


4 ways to generate a strong pre-shared key

How to set up IPsec-based VPN with Strongswan on Debian and Ubuntu

Useful console services

Practical example of du and awk commands
Put hands under armpits. Run around saying AWK AWK

How to zoom tmux panes for better text visibility

Intel's Clear Linux kicking butt in tests

How to chown recursively

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Dell SupportAssist bug exposes business, home PCs to attacks

"preinstalled on most of all new Dell devices running Windows"

Will automatically update if if auto upgrades are enabled.

Windows Server 2008 servers don't boot after KB4539602 (wallpaper bug)

Docker registries expose hundreds of orgs to malware, data theft

South Korea's government explores upgrading to linux


Cod: new command line autocomplete daemon for bash and zsh that detects --help usage

How to change the time limit for a sudo session

How to encrypt and decrypt files from CLI with OpenSSL on Mac and linux

How to ping a specific port

OpenShot video editor just got a massive update

Stuff in linux 5.6 kernel

Monday, February 10, 2020

Intel Beats Ubuntu?

Emotet now hacks nearby insecure wi-fi networks

Google Chrome will block a number of file downloads over non-secure connections.  I so love helpful software.

Win 7 won't shut down
I don't even have to make this stuff up

Win 10 users PISSED over search failure
MS issues lame, incorrect excuse

Why you can't bank on backups to fight ransomware anymore
Because the thieves are stealing info and ransoming it.

RobbinHood ransomware successful because deprecated driver signing

Why is the healthcare industry still so bad at cybersecurity?

Estee LKauder exposes 440M records, with email addresses, network info.


Linux OS from Intel beating Win 10 and Ubuntu, on AMD hardware
Intel Clear Linux        [using Phoronix test]

How fast are your disks? Find out using fio

How to install Seafile to syn and share files on Ubuntu

How to add and delete static route using IP command

8 ways to check memory usage

What's the difference between grep, egrep, fgrep
the spelling

How to run single command on multiple remote systems at once

Ubuntu 20.04 will ship with linux 5.4

Linux access control lists

for people who like self-torture, undo and redo in vim/vi

Limit the impact of a security intrusion with systemd security directives.

Python if.else statement

Disable swap

The (#*@ing spellchecker spontaneously disappeared. This is not a good thing.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Exfiltrating Data by Semaphore

Researchers transmit data by altering screen brightness

Laser-assisted hard drives
with frickin sharks

Betcha didn't know Wacom drivers monitor 3rd party software....
will also tell you when you need a shower

Critical android Bluetooth flaw exploitable without user intervention.
Fixed by Google

Latest Win 10 update problems and how to fix them
del c:\*.*

Have a fun weekend.
If you can't have a fun weekend, have a weekend.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Oregon Medicaid breach.
Never mind that a transportation vendor has PHI...

Mailto/NetWalker ransomware targets enterprise networks


Browse the web with Vim using Vimium
Vim isn't enough torture by itself?

lsmod command

Bash command line exit codes demystified

Moving fast in your shell
fzf - Fuzzy Find - brings up my picture

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Shoot/Shot Your Screen

15 notable open source apps

Your Philips Hue light bulbs can still be hacked — and until recently, your network

Ring lets users opt out of receiving police video requests

Trivial backdoor found in firmware for Huawei products
Who would've trivially thought?


8 ways to take a screenshot

Make your scripts executable everywhere

Wireguard VPN comes to linux
VPNs will change forever with arrival of WireGuard into linux

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

CLI Wireshark?

Wireshark-based Termshark 2.1
Not 100% sure why CLI, but here it is. Faster than a GUI-laden packet capture, more powerful than CAT, able to leap tall stack heaps in a single keypress....

Written in Go
(so it won't stop?)

Free Software (as in Copyleft/GPL) Will Eventually Win for the Same Reasons GNU/Linux Did

New ransomware doesn’t just encrypt data. It also meddles with critical infrastructureYes, kids, it triple encrypts and goes after hardcoded industrial systems.

Google may have shared your videos with strangers
And Twitter gave a person's account to his school.


How to use Nginx as an HTTP load balancer in linux
I'm more interested in how to pronounce Nginx

How to zip folder

  1. take folder
  2. zip

How to Monitor Log Files with Graylog v3.1 on Debian 10

Corona Malware

This blog has been suspended for a bit because it's practicing social distancing. Or no one reads it. Or I'm too lazy. Or the str...